How to Tell When You Need Your Eyebrows Done Again

Most of us have a brow concern, or two. Undoubtedly the biggest beauty trend of the past few years, our obsession with eyebrows shows no signs of waning. Here, Benefit's head makeup artist and brow queen Lisa Potter-Dixon tackles your issues head-on. Prepare for brow-wow and know-how with her top tips.

1. I've over plucked my brows and they won't grow back – HELP!

"In the 80s it was a massive trend to shave off your eyebrows and draw them in with pencil and in the 90s we still liked them skinny. To solve this so you can sport fuller brows now, the best thing to do is get your brows tinted and waxed. Even though you won't have much hair, the tint will grab on to every single one meaning this will create shape, the waxing will then clear up around this."

2. My brow hair sticks up straight – how can I get them to flatten?

"Use a good brow gel to stick down any stray hairs within the brows."

3. What should I do in-between waxing?

"The usual time between eyebrow waxes is around 4 weeks. The best thing to do is tweeze any stray hairs but DO NOT touch the arch of the brow, or any hairs inside the brow. When tweezing, remember to tweeze in the direction of the hair to easily pull out the hair. This is best to do after a bath or shower. A good concealer over the top of any stray hairs is also very affective to keep the shape of the brow between waxes."

4. I'm a natural red head with very fair brows – what products should I use?

"The best thing to do is get your brows tinted. By getting a tint you can get a 'custom blend' to match your hair and skin tone, which will then be easy to maintain."

5. How can I draw my brows in so they don't look fake?

"The best thing to do is draw small strokes lightly, with your brow product, so you don't 'over-do' the brow. To break down any product in your brows, take a CLEAN mascara brush (which is called a spoolie, technically) and run it through your brows once you have applied the product, to give a natural finish."

Morning-after makeup: How to cheat a healthy glow - groom brows

King of the Booth

6. Can certain medication effect waxing?

"Yes – it can. Medication can thin the skin, meaning this can pull and break it. The best thing to do is consult a professional waxer with the type of medication you are taking – they can advise if it would be recommended for you to get waxed or not, whilst also offering some alternatives for you."

7. Where should my brows start, arch and end?

"If your brows do not start, arch and end in the right place, they will start to look very unbalanced. Your brow should start at the arch of your nose; this frames your face whilst also making your nose look slimmer. The arch should be just above the iris and the end should be parallel with the corner of your eye. This technique opens up your eyes whilst also helping shape your cheekbones."

8. I have scars in my brows – how do I cover them?

"For this, you will need a product that adheres to the skin. A wax-based product is particularly good, along with a good powder. You need to lightly go over your scar, just gently filling it in, to blend in with rest of you brows."

9. What's best, waxing, threading or tweezing?

"Although it can be painful, waxing is quick and effective, removing lots of hair in one go. As threading is so quick, it can often be unpredictable, meaning it can easily go wrong. Waxing and tweezing are also quick methods, but they are far more predictable and controllable."

10. What colour should my brows be?

"Whether you dye your hair or not, the best idea is to check the roots right at the back of your head, this will be the darkest hair on your head and this is the colour your eyebrows should be."

If you need more (always!), Lisa - Benefit Cosmetics Head Makeup and Trend Artist - goes into further detail in this video below.

This content is imported from YouTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.

Bridget March is Bazaar's Digital Beauty Director overseeing all beauty content, including wellbeing.

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